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Factory Download Tool

The purpose of the Factory Download Tool (FDT) is to simplify the creation and loading of control applications on the manufacturing floor.

Factory Download Tool leverages all the strengths of our WebCTRL platforms while providing a java-script based front end. By utilizing the front ends scripting capabilities, our partners can stand up custom download sequences that are fueled by their current existing processes. In other words, changes to your process are not required to integrate to this tool, as it adapts to you. The inputs required to build a database and download to a controller are pulled from wherever their sources lie. With the click of a button, scan of a barcode, or read RFID tag, FDT will take care of selecting the correct programs, view files, drivers, and parameter overrides. All this is compiled and downloaded to the controller with record files and clippings automatically created and stored in desired locations.

Key Features and Benefits
  • Powerful scripting allows for flexibility and the ability to adapt to just about any ordering system
  • User interface can be customized to suit the user and process steps
  • Controller configuration takes seconds, not minutes
  • Potential for errors due to manual entry is eliminated
  • Copy of database created and stored for easy retrieval to allow reproduction of the factory configuration if needed
  • Powerful scripting allows for flexibility and the ability to adapt to just about any ordering system
  • User interface can be customized to suit the user and process steps
  • Controller configuration takes seconds, not minutes
  • Potential for errors due to manual entry is eliminated
  • Copy of database created and stored for easy retrieval to allow reproduction of the factory configuration if needed